
Welcome to Chobots.in Times Daily! We are a free, viewable blog for Chobots.in! Founded on August 5, 2010, by Jamesthebest5, the blog continues to give you the latest cheats of Chobots.in! Please sit back and relax!


Track James

Goodbye everychobot, from the entire Chobots.in Times Daily Management. (Jamesthebest7/RedCP/Thomas, Music/Musicmaker25/Thenextgoodguy, Garysensei11/Cadencerockhopper11, mmjay1)

You can find Jamesthebest7 as Thomas on Chobots.net.
Others are currently unknown.
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Sunday, July 17, 2011
Hey guys, its Musicmaker25 here...and i believe yesterday was the BEST PARTY EVER! :O

See, the servers had been down, so he decided once a week, he'd come online and throw a big party!

Once we came online, he made random people agents and moderators, including me!
I actually didn't get this pic by the time he started de-agenting everyone, so jake gave me back the badge for one minute so i could take the pic. Thanks jake! :D

I was recording the whole party for youtube, so I didn't get any pics of the party, but there was rare rain, like hiki shirts and v-flags and stuff, and there was also music. But not like, chobot music. Here's some of the music they played:

Shrinky's "I love College" parody
Price Tag
Friday (x_x)

Lol, it was a fun party, and I can't wait til next week's party, and to all who was there at the party, what was your fav part of it? :] Please leave your answers in the comment section BELOOOW. (raywilliamjohnson ftw xD)

So that's the end of this...long..post. so cya later! :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
No, really?

First, Chobots.in is created. We have great moderators from the Zapak Team who are people like Melman and Spok! Zapak than ditches Chobots.in. Finally, after years, Chobots.in is revived by Jake's power. (Just in case you didn't know, Jake is cat from chobots.com). Jake hires Zoozach (ecobuddy) and TeeniTiny (TinyChlos, who was the Zapak Representative). Jake than leaves. Jake comes back. Well, we did have lots of fun. But now the party is over, the fun ride is gone. I think Chobots.in has basically lost it. Chobots.in no longer has a stable team, is EASIER to break into than Chobots.com or Chobots.de itself, and well, now what? We just leave it like this like before, but worst? I think Zapak needs to step up. If Zapak no longer cares, they can either

1) Sell it to a STABLE company, or create a Chobots.in Entertainment, and just sell that.
2) Shut Chobots.in down for good.

Really, though, I hope Zapak still wants Chobots.in to live. I really want Melman and Spok and everyone to return. Emiko, Vivien_Milly, etc.! It would also be nice to have Jake and some of his crew partner up with them. Of course, this probably won't happen. But, really, are we just going to let Chobots.in fall again? No we won't! We'll fight for it! Who's with me?
We really need to revive Chobots.in once and for all.
P.S. Swanner's being a big help in this - he sent an email to Zapak reminding them of everything. Good job you! :D
Monday, July 4, 2011
UPDATE July 6 3:50 AM EST/EDT: Actually, Jake decided to quit - for good. Everyone was fired and Zapak is back. However, they have new moderators, like StarScraper and EthanMCP.

Apparentley, Jake had taken over Chobots.in WITHOUT permission from Zapak. Zapak struck back, demodded and deagented EVERYBODY, and now, Chobots.in is nothing. Zapak will probably just make it boring again. GRRR! I'm not happy at all. I don't know what'll happen next. This blog may end soon, if nothing is resolved. And if Chobots.in goes boring again.

Saturday, July 2, 2011
Hello Chobots!
We have new mods!
The first one is yes_sir! He is Jake's little brother - he is 6 years old yet he has access to the mod panel!


The other one is iMagic! Not much known, but he's a full moderator!


Cool! If you see the mods, congratulate them!


Friday, July 1, 2011

Hello :P

We have 2 more agent :P

Congratulations For "Yosheh" and "Fairy_X"

Thanks everyone! ^^

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