Welcome to Chobots.in Times Daily! We are a free, viewable blog for Chobots.in! Founded on August 5, 2010, by Jamesthebest5, the blog continues to give you the latest cheats of Chobots.in! Please sit back and relax!
Track James
Goodbye everychobot, from the entire Chobots.in Times Daily Management. (Jamesthebest7/RedCP/Thomas, Music/Musicmaker25/Thenextgoodguy, Garysensei11/Cadencerockhopper11, mmjay1)
You can find Jamesthebest7 as Thomas on Chobots.net.
Others are currently unknown.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Everyday I'm getting complaints about something that really bugs me. I have been agented by official mods twice before, both got deagented for no reason - they thought I did something wrong. However, I am starting to get agented and even MODDED by non-officials. This makes me look like a bad guy. I have to tell you now, I am NOT doing this. I have a Mac, WPE Pro does not work on it. My virtual machine cannot accept WPE Pro or anything else, as it is not genuine anymore. Please stop accusing me, I am not a hacker. I am not hacking moderator OR agent, I swear.
Thank you.
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You didn't do anything wrong. It's just Pres agented you when he shouldn't have done.
- monty